Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 2009- Let's Do This!

I love the idea of writing about my kids so that they will remember what they were like growing up. The first of the month my goal is to write a few things about each of them. It doesn't have to be long. So, here goes!

Dallin- It is his birthday today and he is 7!! His favorite things are tetherball, Guitar Hero, Pokemon, math. He loves to do multiplication and asked me to make up problems for him. He struggled a little bit with the division that his teacher gave him. He didn't like that it didn't come easy for him.

Emily- She is learning to sound out letters. If you ask her what a word starts with, a lot of times she tells you the last letter. She still loves to talk, especially in primary. She asks a lot of questions. She is still not fully potty trained. We had a rough week this week. I tried to really focus on getting her to stay dry. I just worry about her sitting in wet panties. So, we stayed home for 3 days. She had a big accident and I really lost it. I called Jeff and asked him to meet me at the Dr. because I needed help. Come to find out she had a UTI and that is why she wasn't making it to the potty. I felt horrible and I slept with her that night. She is so quick to forgive. I am going to be more patient with her. She loves to watch ballerina movies and dreams of dancing on stage. She is taking swim lessons and getting braver. We went to the beach as a family and she liked swimming with water wings. She let Jeff let go of her which is a huge step. She is great with Bryce. One day during nap she heard him crying and didn't know I was in the room. She walked in and said, "Hey Bryce Bryce are you ready to get up or do you want your binky?" She got him out of bed and took him downstairs. It was very sweet. She is still pretty feisty and stands firm in her ways.

Bryce- This month has been fun with him overall. He is playing more on his own. He loves the toy he got for Christmas. He also tries to do the wooden puzzles now. He loves to climb on chairs and get into things. He gets mad if he doesn't get his way and he is a screecher. We are trying to get that stopped! He always has his binky and blanket in his hand when he gets out of the crib. He still doesn't have many words, but he will repeat. He did say "more please" this week which was his first sentence. He will say thank you if Dallin or Emily says it first. He loves to giggle when prayer is being said. He loves to sing songs and we have been going to library time.

Yeah, for month 1!!

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